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HR Comb Hair Styling Hair Care
HR Comb Hair Styling Hair Care
HR Comb Hair Styling Hair Care
HR Comb Hair Styling Hair Care
Hair Care

Peigne RH

Les peignes à cheveux en acier inoxydable sont des outils durables, hygiéniques et polyvalents pour le soin et le coiffage des cheveux. Notre peigne à double dents en acier inoxydable est particulièrement bénéfique pour les personnes qui utilisent des outils de coiffage thermique ou qui se soucient de l'hygiène et de l'accumulation d'électricité statique. Vous trouverez beaucoup plus de contrôle dans le style et découvrirez que notre astuce de séparation est un ajout incroyable pour la création de pièces.
Prix régulier $39.49
  • Description
  • Advantages

Each of our combs are bench-made using the finest American Stainless Steel. We have been making these combs since 2016, which is where our company started. The quality of these products can not be matched by overseas labor. We're glad you're making this purchase and know that you will have this comb forever!

Stainless steel combs are very durable and long-lasting. They are less likely to break or become damaged over time compared to plastic or wooden combs.

Stainless steel is non-porous, which means it is easy to clean and sterilize. This makes it a hygienic choice for a hair comb, particularly for those who share combs with others or are concerned about bacteria buildup.

Heat resistance:
Stainless steel combs are heat-resistant, which means they can be safely used with hair dryers and other heat-styling tools without warping or melting.

Static reduction:
Stainless steel combs are also effective in reducing static, which can help to prevent hair from becoming frizzy or damaged during styling.

Smooth combing:
The smooth, polished surface of a stainless steel comb glides through hair easily, reducing tangling and snarls. This can be particularly helpful for people with thick or curly hair that is prone to tangling.

Precision styling:
Stainless steel combs are typically made with very fine teeth, which makes them well-suited for precision styling. They are particularly useful for creating neat parts, smoothing flyaways, and styling small sections of hair.

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